Wednesday, July 25, 2007

#12 Rollyo

Rollyo Beta is advertisted as a "personal search engine" of most frequently searched sources. You are limited to 25 websites. You can either make your search engine public or keep it private. There's even a RollBar similar to the Google Search toolboor you can add to your browser.

I created a search engine called "News Desk" to search my most frequently used media websites. Search results were not as current or relevant as using Google News, which is still the best news search engine around. If you depended on Rollyo alone, you'll end up either going back to Google or using the search engines on your favorite web pages. NY Times, WashPost and the Baltimore Sun, for example, have excellent search engines since they are Google-powered. Rollyo's pages are loaded with advertising and junk URLs but they be cleaned up with ad blocker software. I was amazed that Rollyo is powered by Yahoo! but I guess Yahoo! is failing even with new Web partners to build an audience to its site and compete with Google. To its credit, Yahoo! has the best Web e-mail program. Otherwise, I rarely visit Yahoo!

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